My Favorite "JE"

Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

Warning : this is not about Johnny's Entertainment (though it's my fave too). This is about something I called "July Ending".

New Member

New member in my family. My cousin, Ezer. Welcome to this amazing world! (17-07-2010)

My favorite pose of Ezer. Seems like he wanna say, "Capek deh..."

Some new people for this year. Yes, they're my new classmates. It's fun to be with them. ^^.
In this JE, I did my first observation in eleventh grade.

It must be mouth epithelium. Believe it or not, my group's microscope slide was covered by saliva. =D (21-07-2010)

New Organization, New Friends
I am interested to join an organization (not an extracurricular) in my school. I choose KPS KAPA (Kelompok Pemuda Sebaya-Kesatuan Aksi Pelajar Anti Narkoba). It's so fun and I hope it's not at the beginning only.
They gave us a chocolate per one person last meeting. =)

Want to know about KPS-KAPA? Click this. (31-07-2010)

Unbeatable Me
That's my birthday. The previous years, I didn't really care to my birthday. I did something usual. Even I got typhus while my friends were having fun at Banyubiru for GPLB (something like camping). It was annoying.

But, birthday in this year was typical. Everyone I met said "Happy birthday". My senpai in Mochi, my ex-X6 friends, even my friends from FDI (Forum Diskusi Ilmiah), though I'm not FDI member. There's so many friends on facebook too, I was a bit tired replying them one by one.

Oh! There's something from Gardinia. She told her mom who is a good baker 'bout my birthday. Thanks, Gardin. You're really a good friend.

Yeah! A cake with fondant on it. I like fondant anyway. It's so cute. =)

Hmm... Check this out.

Errr... Thanks to Galuh and Annisa too. They accompanied me celebrating my birthday with my parent. =)

I like July, but I love each month with the special feeling.



2009 ·Semanggi 4 Jari by TNB